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Gods of America

A wiki/essay by Anthony Ussery

Before I begin, I must state that the name of this wiki itself is slightly fallacious. This is not solely about a fatal flaw in America, but rather one inherent in the entirety of Western civilization, the spawning pool and hotbed of which is found here in the United States of America. However, panning through possible titles brought up several less-than-great things I could have named it, and the name American Gods is already a book by Neil Gaiman. Thus, in the end, the catchiest thing I could think of without spending hours poring through the probabilities was this—Gods of America.
As of now, only minutes from the twenty-ninth of January, 2005, I have experienced a recent resurgence of this issue in my mind after a long hiatus of complacency. It has always been something important to me, especially given my inclination toward freeing my mind of any programmed predispositions I can identify and potentially neutralize without totally reshaping the essence of who I am. It started again with a harsh realization, one that cannot be helped and which seems relatively harmless, but had (just like so many things as of late) a quite adverse effect on my present psychological state. The end? Hopefully the downfall of everything this embodies. The problem? Good question. Let’s get down to business.
When I say America, bear in mind I mean the Western world. America is plagued by a problem, one I wish to God I could deprogram from its societal framework: We have rejected the presence of divinity, and in its place made gods of men. I say this with nothing but my own understanding in mind, with no real affiliations to any set religion, but having been raised on Christian values in a fairly liberal yet structured household. This has instilled within me Western ideals such as monogamy, humility, and just general selflessness. It has long since come to my attention that we, as a people, truly do worship those the media has come to introduce as celebrities.
By definition, to “worship” is to hold a deity, object, or whatever in reverence. Whenever you look at some massive crowd of bodies writhing in screaming euphoria at a concert, ecstatic at being bathed in the radiance of a figure like Marilyn Manson or HIM or whomever the big idol of the day is, you see an example of our worship of fame. Whenever you overturn a rock and a colony of Orlando Bloom fans are uncovered, this is testament to the truth of our American weakness. Remembering all those stupid little girls who screamed in ear-piercing shrill voices for Justin Timberlake and (was he part of the Backstreet Boys or ‘N Sync? Well, either one.) whichever group applies to him shows a memory of past examples of this. Lines of fans at a convention trying to get a signature from Leonard Nimoy for themselves are another example (eh, sketchy one, but you know the types). Sure, don’t get me wrong, Manson has some good songs, and Orlando can act and has decent taste in what scripts to undertake; however, one must remember to objectify the product of their deeds as simply that: Merely a byproduct of a human being creating or performing something anyone else could conceivably do.
As I type this, I acknowledge that I am nothing more than human. I am mortal, crafted of flesh and blood, bone and sinew. I have both strengths and weaknesses in my mind and my body, and never shall I claim perfection in anything I do and mean it. One must come to realize that everyone they see in movies and on stage is exactly the same as I am: A human being. Homo sapien. The descendant of past primates, attributing its very existence to whatever being first gave birth to life. If I so chose, I could destroy any of them with my bare hands, martial skills allowing. They eat, breathe, digest, and (ahem) conduct other business in the exact same way any other person would. If Johnny Depp lured my fiancé away and had his way with her, I would tranquilize him, drag him off to an abandoned silo, torture and mutilate him, break his limbs, sever his genitalia, stuff them down his throat, force-feed him sulfuric acid as a chaser, stretch his shattered bones out on the rack, and finally offer him eternal repose in Hell with a rusty machete just as soon as I would the next guy who did it. What is it, then, that makes them worth our worship? Why would millions of people nationwide pay their hard-earned money just to watch some guy play a guitar? Talented as he is, you can hear someone just as good play the same song for a two-dollar cover charge with your friends any day. Truth is, there is nothing about the lead singer of AFI that distinguishes him in the eyes of an enlightened individual from any other monkey-spawn populating the planet.
Anyone from any walk of life can be the victim of this disease. The girl who buries herself in celebrity journals, the supposedly-“faithful” wife who drops all her vows when Generic Famous Guy A takes a sexual interest in her, the groupies and roadies who practically LIVE in the “stars,” the masses of aforementioned screaming fans, most anyone sheltered in pop culture is either stricken down with the syndrome or in need of a reality check. 
When it comes down to it, a number of people should be ashamed of themselves for this. I see too many self-proclaimed Christians who, in reality, worship the gods of America. This is the first and, in my eyes, most important group I will point out. Remember, if you will, the very first Commandment. This is the most important of them all, as I’ve heard, and this is the one America has managed to subvert most effectively. When it comes down to it, celebrity worship is a sin, and we fail to ever repent from it. A Christian must remember that there are two main levels of importance he/she must be concerned with: God, first and foremost; and humanity, the sheep to whom the Shepherd must tend. No matter how famous, sheep are sheep, and are above no other sheep. If someone looks out his window and sees the livestock, and one happens to be standing on a hill, he will think nothing of it. So does God see us all, Johnny Depp included. To exalt him or anyone else as being above us is exactly the same as raising and worshipping a golden calf. It is, in fact, a cult.
So many people these days claim to be independent thinkers. They believe themselves to be individuals (see Conformity, Inc. for my further grievances against these types), unpolluted and untainted by the world around them; that they are untethered minds, existing alone, operating in a seamless pocket of lucid reality. Ironically, most of these people find themselves taking most of their own “individual” thought from their own idols. Some even go so far as to resurrect old dead idols and worship them. Those “intellectual” types who find themselves totally worshipping the Cure, Black Sabbath, or whomever are really doing nothing more than letting themselves be programmed. Commonly, they claim atheism. Shows what they know… They should be ashamed.
Anyone with values that totally disappear with the passing of some celebrity needs to be shot in the face. As I stated before, there are times in which married people, even faithfully-married people, will cheat on a spouse at the whimsy of some celebrity. People will do anything for an autograph, regardless of what they believe in. Values, morals, ethics, all synonymous with “nil” when whoever the hell plays Spike walks this way.
Finally, another CI grievance, people who are totally against the popular people. I mean, looking at that head cheerleader, what’s so special about her? Ooh, people like her. She’s popular. But living a popularity contest is such a bad thing, right? Well, now that we’ve ranted about that, let’s go back and decorate all our crap with Good Charlotte stickers. Sure, switch the band name out with whoever you want. The concept is the same.
I digress, I’ve ranted on and on endlessly, perhaps to no avail. Perhaps there’s nobody out there like me, who have rejected the TV and the radio, who don’t care who won American Idol, who don’t have the slightest clue who on Earth who Viggo Mortensen is (and who, frankly, couldn’t care any less) (Actually, I just found out who it was before I finished writing it. Confound this curiosity of mine. I knew I’d heard the name somewhere), or who don’t really even like standard mainstream music. Perhaps nobody else realizes what I’ve come to realize; that American society is subverting little by little everything we once were. If so, that is quite disheartening.
But I cannot help but think about it with distaste. In response to my outlook, especially to the vehemence accompanying my statement of these beliefs, I have received a number of offended attempts at damaging the integrity of my defense. My best friends have been won over, as have those who actually mean something to me.
A few things I’ve heard follow.
“You can’t say that if you met someone famous like that in person, you wouldn’t be in awe.” Actually, yes I can. With certainty. I've met more famous people than I really care to count. However, when I met each of these people in person, I have always been unquestionably blasé. Nobody's presence held any power over me, other than friends or family hovering around the area and me being stuck there waiting. I like Julia Roberts, don't care what anyone says. But when I met her, I was more concerned with getting back to playing Tetris on my cousin’s friend’s Game Boy. Sure, I can play Tetris anytime, and only meet Julia Roberts once or whatever, but it was more interesting to play Tetris than to get all excited over some famous person I could just as easily see on my TV in the comfortable sanctity of my own home.
“If you’re just walking down the road and suddenly see a movie star, you’ll end up going straight to him just because of the familiarity.” If I did, it’d be with just as much regard as going up to someone I’d seen around town, provided the movie star in question is actually doing something interesting. Perhaps a crowd might spark my curiosity, but without provocation I would simply pass by in that situation.
“You just don’t get it.” Yeah, I do. Do you?
In closing, I’d like to address the means one might show support for my cause, should one agree and meet a certain set of requirements:
1) You must agree that you and I are equal in being to any celebrity out there.
2) You must not fit the description of someone the message in this wiki is against.
3) You must understand what I mean, and elaborate.
4) You mustn’t view the stars as any sort of pantheon.
5) So on, so forth, you get the drift. I’ll think of things later.

Feel like supporting? Drop me a line.
Please. Somebody. Show me I’m not alone. I’m not certain anyone else out there even remotely sees the truth. I don’t know for sure that the people closest to me wouldn’t just up and leave me at the beck and call of Johnny Depp. This board is mainly for discussion of this topic, but you all know as well as I do these things never stay on topic.
So, in the end, have fun!

6/2011 - I may revamp this. Not 100% if my interest will stick around later though.

Oh, and the proven members will be listed here.

1) [Avoral] – I just wrote this. Do I really need a comment to be remembered by?
2) [Priest Kel] - Psalms 118:8 - "It is better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in people."

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2005-01-31 [thesuperman]: it is amazing coming from me...i am everything that anthony finds as an evil to society. I feel as though i have lost my "faith" and all i can do is survive on the feeling that materials give me.

2005-01-31 [Tails Of the Revolution]: People do amazing things, I guess...

2005-01-31 [thesuperman]: i have an amazing mind....but a confused soul

2005-01-31 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Don't we all?

2005-01-31 [thesuperman]: no...there are some serious dumbasses out there

2005-01-31 [Tails Of the Revolution]: that's true... I should know that, I'm living with one.

2005-01-31 [thesuperman]: o well....

2005-01-31 [Tails Of the Revolution]: ehh... you seem nice enough, faith or not.

2005-01-31 [thesuperman]: well...that is definitely dont know me but i have made fun of you on other names...i know who you are, yet you have no clue about me

2005-01-31 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Oh, I know that. I'm not that inobservant. You're the asme "Bubba" who's pissed me off on so many occasions. I know that.

2005-01-31 [thesuperman]: well as long as you know...then you should also know that i am not nice.

2005-01-31 [Tails Of the Revolution]: psh... I took up boxing when I was seven so I could hit back when my father hit me, if anyone knows that people have two sides, I do.

2005-01-31 [thesuperman]: yeah well i dont know....i have many sides, another one of the things anthony is against...

2005-01-31 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Anthony's against a lot of things. So am I, so are you. You ask me, that doesn't sound like your biggest problem.

2005-01-31 [thesuperman]: what does sound like my biggest problem?

2005-01-31 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Something.... that you don't want to let go of... well, that's what I think.

2005-01-31 [thesuperman]: maybe...

2005-01-31 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Just a guess.

2005-01-31 [thesuperman]: yeah, i bet...

2005-01-31 [Tails Of the Revolution]: what do you mean?

2005-01-31 [thesuperman]: well you can always go to the fan club and see what me and thom are talking about, since you are apparently a member

2005-01-31 [Tails Of the Revolution]: I made the leap on my own, though. Mind you, I live a country away. I only know so much.

2005-01-31 [thesuperman]: but certain troubles are worldwide

2005-01-31 [Tails Of the Revolution]: That's true... I'll admit, I've never been on your end of it.

2005-01-31 [thesuperman]: what is my end?

2005-01-31 [Tails Of the Revolution]: the end that has to cry over it, feeling like Fate completely fucked them over.

2005-01-31 [thesuperman]: Fate saves the living when they drive away death by motto

2005-01-31 [Tails Of the Revolution]: damn.

2005-01-31 [thesuperman]: what?

2005-01-31 [Tails Of the Revolution]: If that's true, I should be dead by now.

2005-01-31 [thesuperman]: Fate doesnt kill people if they dont drive away is just saying that you have a greater ability to cheat death when you face it head on and dont shy away

2005-01-31 [Tails Of the Revolution]: exactly. But, on the one hand, just about everything works that way.

2005-01-31 [thesuperman]: well...i live on the other hand

2005-01-31 [Tails Of the Revolution]: you're lucky.

2005-01-31 [Avoral]: Actually, I'm not against having a multifaceted personality. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't the most two-faced bastard in existence. If we all said what was on our minds, the world would fall into chaos. If you're a follower of idealisms I target, Bubba, I most likely overlook it.

2005-01-31 [dragonflye]: Anthony I fixed a typo. (he had a certain line, this one: A Christian must remember that there are two main levels of importance he/she must be concerned with- saying she instead of he/she. that makes it out to be just the women when in fact, it's everyone.)

2005-01-31 [Avoral]: Oh. Sorry 'bout that, 'twas unintentional.

2005-01-31 [dragonflye]: we know. *loves* hey ant, does worshipping your body count? hehe you might want to delete this when you read it. but then, you might not. hehe.

2005-01-31 [Avoral]: I think I'll leave it. *Offers body for worship* Savor it.

2005-01-31 [dragonflye]: ok now......your body before God? no no baby. Let's go to church! then we'll play.

2005-01-31 [Avoral]: At Church? Isn't that a little sacrilegious?

2005-01-31 [dragonflye]: no no no. not AT church. afterward. but no body worshipping unless it's mine. K? lol j/k

2005-01-31 [Malkavian]: ~`Gnaws on a bible`~ Ish this sacilegious?

2005-01-31 [Avoral]: Nah, that's just cute. *Pets*

2005-02-01 [Malkavian]: ~`Growls, snaps at your hand.`~

2005-02-01 [dragonflye]: *slaps Malkavian's nose*

2005-02-01 [Malkavian]: ~`Falls onto her back and starts screaming uncontrollably`~

2005-02-01 [thesuperman]: you overlook it because you have known for a long while now.... and i am the shit, haha

2005-02-01 [Avoral]: Yeah, the latter more than anything. Hehe.

2005-02-01 [Tails Of the Revolution]: I'd have to agree with the two-faced part... not so much the bastard part, though... wow. Accept that, I think I just complimented you.

2005-02-01 [Panda-monium]: Heylo. wow. Great rant I must say. I can not say I am 100% innocent of any of those, I listen to country which may or may not be classified as main stream. I do believe I am equal to any celebrity just as you are and the next guy, but I must say I have been warped by the society I live in as have everyone else, including you. No one is excempt, I realize this, I like to think I am, but lets face it. I completely support your opinions, but I do not plan to go and change my way of life concerning them. Thanks for sharing, I dont think I hold any celebrity in reference past a great admiration for their talents. *shrugs* Felt like commenting, well have a nice day.

2005-02-01 [Avoral]: Aww! I love you too, Rivasticks!

2005-02-01 [Tails Of the Revolution]:'nt push your luck.... You really should change the wording of your first requirement.

2005-02-01 [Panda-monium]: I agree, since their status is god-like. As you put it.

2005-02-01 [Tails Of the Revolution]: I'm just thinking that "higher status" is defined as having more or being held higher in a particular aspect. For instance, I can look around my home and I'm pretty sure that any celebrity you can shake a stick at has more financial status than myself. You should be more specific, so I can't gripe at you.

2005-02-01 [Avoral]: Listening to any particular type of music, be it mainstream or no, doesn't say crap. And everyone's always been influenced by the society in which they live. I make a lot of video game jokes. *Shrugs* Regardless, I still have a tendency to shut myself out from media crap, due to finding it utterly tasteless; however, the textbooks I study are written by the victors and backstabbers who got there first (or last), and the opinions I hold and hone are based on a primarily-Western set of values. I, however, try to detach myself the best I can and exist alone. Anyway, the rest of it is up to you. It's your life, your party, your funeral, and your eternity.

2005-02-01 [Avoral]: True, I could be more specific. Perhaps I shall.

2005-02-01 [Avoral]: There we go. Now number 1 is just a question of values on your part.

2005-02-01 [Avoral]: Anything else? There are two valid problems I've had to solve, and it's cool to better it as much as I can.

2005-02-01 [Avoral]: Anything else? There are two valid problems I've had to solve, and it's cool to better it as much as I can.

2005-02-01 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Anything else... no, the rest boils down to curiosity questions and grammar errors. Not worth it. I'm impressed.

2005-02-01 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Damn. There goies that complimenting stuff again.

2005-02-01 [Panda-monium]: Yes, very well done. I have only read over it twice but I think it is rather complete

2005-02-01 [Tails Of the Revolution]: possibly over-complete, but that's never quite a bad thing.

2005-02-01 [Panda-monium]: it couldnt be considered a 'rant' if it wasnt overly complete, now could it?

2005-02-01 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Yes it can. It just makes for a far less spastic one.

2005-02-01 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Y'ever notice how concerned people are with who celebrities date? It's such a power-hungry existance... kinda funny to watch though, I'm not gonna lie.

2005-02-01 [Panda-monium]: Well, I dont know about that, then isnt more of an essay or other formal writing? Well perhaos its possible to rant in a formal style, but the most effective rants are at least a little spastic. My opinion of course

2005-02-01 [Tails Of the Revolution]: hah. You haven't kept up with the previous rants, have you?

2005-02-01 [Panda-monium]: Not yet, I was planning on going to them. But with Exams at the moment, I dont have alot of time.

2005-02-01 [Tails Of the Revolution]: very calculated, very formal... to the point I have to complain about looking up words.

2005-02-01 [Panda-monium]: Really? Well ter me I like the spastic ones, they tend to be slightly random and thats how I think so I dunno, more effective ter me.

2005-02-01 [Avoral]: Eh, I was just feeling this one too deeply at the time. I had my reasons.

2005-02-01 [Avoral]: CI is so full of allusions, twisted meanings, and duality, it makes me proud. This is the only straightforward rant I've done in... Well, the longest.

2005-02-01 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Anthony, you're full of allusions, twisted meanings, and duality. But that's OK. What was the reason behind this one, anyway?

2005-02-01 [Avoral]: Eh, I had a person long ago do something bad. I watched this person develop, and I realized what was really going on. I looked around me, and saw this person in everyone. And then I realized why. Several years later, I was lying in bed, and I heard a voice say something that reminded me--And I dreaded the cycle was coming back around.

2005-02-01 [Tails Of the Revolution]: I've done that before. It's twice as vexing to keep seeing that person in yourself.

2005-02-01 [Avoral]: Luckily, I don't.

2005-02-01 [ZombehQuinn]: hi yes i checked this out!!! lol

2005-02-01 [Avoral]: Yay! ^_^

2005-02-01 [Sadie_cakes]: well call me clueless avy darling but you do seem to be full of allusions and twisted meanings and what not, and stop me if I'm being a bit too nosy but who exactly was this person that you speak of, the one that somewhat inspired all of this? This essay is fairly straightford, but i would have an even better understanding, I believe if i knew who the person in question was.

2005-02-01 [Avoral]: Nobody of consequence. And the other is of a good bit of consequence, but she didn't mean to spark it.

2005-02-01 [Avoral]: It's been a while, Sadie. I was starting to think you'd disappeared forever. I'd never have found another happyful decent person with colored hair! *Sniffles*

2005-02-02 [Avoral]: Well, with the exception of my fiance.

2005-02-02 [Tails Of the Revolution]: What color is the sky in your world, anthony?

2005-02-02 [thesuperman]: black

2005-02-02 [Tails Of the Revolution]: him? Nah.

2005-02-02 [dragonflye]: his sky is pink!

2005-02-02 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Now see, that wouldn't surprise me.

2005-02-02 [dragonflye]: or me. *remembers him in a dress.* I should go to my grandma's and scan those and put them on here.

2005-02-02 [thesuperman]: i have seen him n a dress...please dont do that to us

2005-02-02 [dragonflye]: lol it would be on my house. guess what i did. some chick sent me a chain message and i was like, I know someone who loves those send them to him: [Hedda] I hope she does. that would be so f-en hilarious.

2005-02-02 [Avoral]: My sky is puppy.

2005-02-02 [Tails Of the Revolution]: That too...

2005-02-02 [Malkavian]: My teacher pushes god on us, when we're in class.

2005-02-07 [Tails Of the Revolution]: I went to church today... oy gevaldt.

2005-02-07 [Avoral]: Eh, nothing wrong with that.

2005-02-07 [dragonflye]: not at all. hehe anthony, remember that little letter I wrote earlier? Think about that a second. ;)

2005-02-07 [Avoral]: Oh, that is SO not cool.

2005-02-07 [dragonflye]: hehehehehehehehe.

2005-02-07 [Tails Of the Revolution]: heh. I have no idea what's going on, but it's amusing. And, apparently there is something wrong with that... Pastor guy was an asshole.

2005-02-07 [HiddenFire]: Here's something I was allways annoyed with: Televangelists. Or heck, any overly "flashy" chruch. Personally, I think the money would best be spent on more productive things than solid gold crosses, makeup, flowers, entricute woodwork, etc... It's just offensive. If it wasn't for the rampant vanity in the church... I might still reguard it with some degree of... well... reguard.

2005-02-07 [Tails Of the Revolution]: The church in my town, got really weird. I was wearing my Star of David, cause I didn't notie, and the first thing the pastor does is say "Oh, a Jewish girl looking to convert. So glad you're following the path of the righteous." It just pissed me off, that he was a hypocritical bastard. And it went on about like that. So, Riva's gonna stick to being a Jew.

2005-02-07 [HiddenFire]: It's silly. I have an awesome quote that I do so love to throw around: "Those who believe themselves righteous, by definition, can never believe themselves to be wrong. Thusly it can be said that the righteous of the world are simply living a life of ignorance and arrogance."

2005-02-07 [Falx]: That's especially silly since Jesus was Jewish.

2005-02-07 [Tails Of the Revolution]: yeah... the pastor didn't take that either.

2005-02-07 [Falx]: I bet not. Man, now i wish i had saved the church chain letter I got in the mail the other day. It was hilarious!

2005-02-07 [Tails Of the Revolution]: people send chain letters in the mail?! Now THAT'S especially silly.

2005-02-07 [Falx]: Yeah, and it was full of grammatical errors and then they asked me to send them a "seed gift".

2005-02-07 [Tails Of the Revolution]: haha... that's so so pointless.

2005-02-07 [Falx]: Tell me about it. At first it really ticked me off though, because it comes with this optical illusion of Jesus's face where if you stare at the eyes, the eyes appear to open. The letter basically said that if you placed this picture of Jesus on your lap and sent them money, then God would bless you with material wealth. But ONLY if you send back the picture of Jesus and a "seed gift".

2005-02-07 [Tails Of the Revolution]: wow. The unbearable cheese.

2005-02-07 [Avoral]: Yeah, we all know God's all about some material wealth, right? Yeah, Riva, I'll agree. There WAS something wrong. Hehe. And I'm also agreeing with Hidden... Televangelists need to be shot in the face four times and have their diablerie stolen. Denominational churches need to explode. However, I do believe our little Chub-thing is on the way to doing that. ^__________________^

2005-02-07 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Chub?

2005-02-07 [Avoral]: Yes.

2005-02-07 [Tails Of the Revolution]: which would mean....

2005-02-07 [Falx]: *looks around* *is very confused* What's going on? I think I missed something...

2005-02-07 [Avoral]: [Priest Kel].

2005-02-07 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Yes!!!!!!!!!!! Anthony, that minorly makes what would otherwise have been a shitty day.

2005-02-07 [Falx]: Ah, yes, ok. Gotcha now.

2005-02-07 [Avoral]: What, Chub taking down the church?

2005-02-07 [Tails Of the Revolution]: more the story behind it, if I remember it correctly...but yeah.

2005-02-07 [Avoral]: Ooh, do tell what you're remembering.

2005-02-07 [Tails Of the Revolution]: what I'm remembering are stories you told me. So, half of them are probably, if not lies, then grossly exaggerated.

2005-02-07 [Avoral]: Hmm? Which stories?

2005-02-08 [Priest Kel]: ^_^ Kai, you flatter me with your telling others about that which my Lord has told me to do

2005-02-08 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Something about standing on a street corner yelling, but there's only potential that was you.

2005-02-08 [Priest Kel]: Well, I'm very certain that wasn't me considering I don't plan on doing that. What would that accomplish? People just ignoring me as they pass by thinking I'm insane? No, I go to the heart and show churches themselves how they're wrong. Got kicked out of one church so far. And by wrong I mean that a good bit of churches aren't following the Bible that they claim to live by

2005-02-08 [Tails Of the Revolution]: The one I've been to definitely needs some of that.

2005-02-08 [Priest Kel]: I'm trying to make sure that I can win an arguement before I start one. Although, the Lord tends to tell me what words to say when

2005-02-08 [Tails Of the Revolution]: The Lord tends to tell me that I really shouldn't have said those words at that time. And, thus far, he's been right...

2005-02-08 [Priest Kel]: Then perhaps you should listen?

2005-02-08 [Avoral]: Oh, and I don't remember the story you're talking about, Riva. More detail, if you could be so kind.

2005-02-09 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Kind, I have. Memory, I lack.

2005-02-11 [Morrigon]: So are you badmouthing people who go to concerts and enjoy the music?

2005-02-11 [Avoral]: No, I'm badmouthing people who go to concerts to be bathed in the radiant and iridescent presence of their gods, the golden calves built from the ground up by the media that raised America today.

2005-02-11 [Morrigon]: Oh my goodness I know exactly what you mean. I made a wiki for Tool which is one of my favorite bands there music is wonderful. and this one member said that the lead singer was god. I almost took him off the list or at least edited his comment but oh well he's entitled to his own ignorant opinion. The lead singer is a PERSON they all are. What's wrong with people...

2005-02-11 [Morrigon]: I mean that 's what so great about them, they are people who have been able to see past all of the crap our nation tends to put out and just make music to make music. The Irony is that they are "worshipped" by the very people they are fighting to get away from.

2005-02-11 [Avoral]: *Teary-eyed* I love you. (I jest. You're cool though.) Yeah, I cannot stand that either, as one might be able to assume from the wiki and all. Sure, these people may be witty, charismatic, and good-looking; they may be talented and from their abilities wealthy... But if I were to walk up to any one of them with my lovely .45, I could terminate their oh-so-godly luminescence with the same regard I'd turn off a light switch. And it'd be every bit as easy.

2005-02-11 [Avoral]: Nah, in a lot of cases these days they do it just for the fame, fortune, and manmade godhood. If you'll notice how many of those little Goth boy-bands exist; no talent, no inspiration, just the look of someone the kids want to base a cult around. I seriously doubt half these people are trying to "see past" anything-- They found out they could play guitar and get laid and worshipped for it.

2005-02-11 [Morrigon]: Another thing I love about Tool though is these guys look like people you could just pass down the street. They don't go for photo shoots. It's so hard to actually find pictures of them. The only place where they do get photos of them is at the concerts. And I like that becuase I love seeing people when they sing. Its amusing yet wonderful at the same time. I hate polished looks or when the lead singers are thrust out in front of the band and become the "leading man' its insulting to music. ARGH I loath that so much.

2005-02-11 [Morrigon]: When they play they're focused on the music. The lead singer from that band also is in another band called A perfect circle. they're really good too. the last time I went to their concert I was in the balcony and I just sat in my seat not bothering to try to see them over other peoples heads. It was so relaxing I just closed my eyes and listened to their music. I love concerts sometimes.

2005-02-11 [Avoral]: Yeah, that's not an experience I'm out to denounce. There's something about having relentless, pulsing melodies of a thousand decibels making pulp out of your eardrums. I'll admit to liking it. But you've got it right; it's just sound, music, whatever, and the people performing it are just performers--Everyday people you could pass down the street.

2005-02-11 [Morrigon]: I think concerts are a great way to connect with music and it's wonderful to see the people who have made the music you enjoy. They are to be admired just like other artists because they do very good work and their music has a deepness and thought put to it that most other bands don't even attempt to do.

2005-02-11 [Priest Kel]: Granted I don't think I connect with music as much as you two do. I wouldn't go to a concert due to the mass amounts of people. Too much for me. Oh, and [Morrigon] *hugs* Welcome to those with eyes to see!

2005-02-11 [Avoral]: Yes, welcome.

2005-02-11 [Tails Of the Revolution]: One of the best things on earth, musically, is to go listen to local bands. I swear, there's more talent in the undiscovered slime of my small town than there is in every magazine known to man.

2005-02-12 [Morrigon]: yes I love open mics. Lots of funny people get up with interesting ideas and do stuff it's fun to go and relax while watching people and encouraging them to do what they love.

2005-02-12 [Tails Of the Revolution]: I know. My band goes to this one coffee shop all the time, it's a great thing to do.

2005-02-12 [Morrigon]: awesome hehe

2005-02-12 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Yeah... agh, Green Day pisses me off.

2005-02-12 [Morrigon]: why

2005-02-12 [Tails Of the Revolution]: I was at my little sister's junior high dance, to go see friends and junk, and we were standing in there. Pretty much ALL THEY DID was play Green Day songs. And when you listen o green day for two hours straight, it gets stuck in your head and you realize that their best songs are covers. so it drove me crazy.

2005-02-12 [Morrigon]: oh my god, where I work we always have the radio on and they ALWAYS play that damned emo kid music crap just on and on about how their lives suck and blah blah blah and they play Green Day a lot I absolutely hate it.

2005-02-12 [Tails Of the Revolution]: I know. The song "Time of your Life" Is a great song, but it drives me crazy, because their lead singer takes credit for it. Iknow the guy who actually wrote it, soit's very stupid.

2005-02-12 [Morrigon]: That's stupid oh well.

2005-02-12 [Tails Of the Revolution]: My friend has this theory, that if one put the faces of some big punk rock band on the cover of every classic book, a good three quarters of the world would read every one.

2005-02-12 [Morrigon]: yeah bleh

2005-02-12 [Tails Of the Revolution]: it's disgusting

2005-02-12 [Morrigon]: yes it is

2005-02-12 [Avoral]: Riva, I agree wholeheartedly. I personally prefer to support the bands whose parties I'm invited to. Local talent is undeniable.

2005-02-13 [Tails Of the Revolution]: that's a new twist on it.

2005-02-13 [Morrigon]: dun dun dunn

2005-02-13 [Avoral]: Well, hey. There's nothing quite like going to a concert and giving your props to one of your drinking buddies.

2005-02-13 [Morrigon]: hah

2005-02-13 [Tails Of the Revolution]: there's nothing like giving props to your drinking buddies under any circumstances.

2005-02-13 [Morrigon]: hahaha are they your buddies when you're not drinking?

2005-02-13 [Tails Of the Revolution]: most of them... some of them are real assholes when they're not drinking.

2005-02-13 [Morrigon]: bleh I don't bother friends should be your friends whether or not you inebriated

2005-02-14 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Your definition of friends is not very loose

2005-02-14 [Morrigon]: meh mostly because people I thought were friends are completely insane, and not in a good way

2005-02-14 [Tails Of the Revolution]: most people are...

2005-02-14 [Morrigon]: maybe, no matter what it's pathetic.

2005-02-14 [Tails Of the Revolution]: True

2005-02-14 [Morrigon]: oh you know what else is annoying, people say I look like Amy Lee. >.< grr...I look like ME ^.^

2005-02-14 [dragonflye]: I can see where they might see that, But I don't.

2005-02-14 [Morrigon]: see, they ish not smart...

2005-02-14 [dragonflye]: But you're still pretty!

2005-02-14 [Tails Of the Revolution]: that's pretty cheese, yeah.

2005-02-14 [Morrigon]: mm, tea...

2005-02-14 [Tails Of the Revolution]: Tea?

2005-02-14 [dragonflye]: TEA!

2005-02-14 [Morrigon]: tea is yummy

2005-02-14 [Tails Of the Revolution]: teais good.... just doesn't make a lot of sense.

2005-02-14 [Morrigon]: well I had to give tea some credit

2005-02-14 [Tails Of the Revolution]: ok then

2006-07-24 [Prissy Gothic Mermaid Man]: Heh.. I found this on Google. Heh..

2006-07-24 [Avoral]: This wiki?

2007-07-13 [Pyra]: Whoo. You know. Before now I have never been able to read this entire Essay. (In MLA formatting rofl.) The reason for this being that I have been guilty of more than once idolizing someone who really has no buisness being idolized. When my Best friend had the pleasure of meeting the bassist for Marcy Playground-See? There I go again. "The pleasure."
Perhaps I will learn from you. Indeed, I hope so. Your social status is not a measure of who you are. Do you wish for an example? Paris. Fucking-usless-wench-of-society. Hilton.

2007-07-15 [Avoral]: I'm not saying to section yourself off from the music scene entirely. There are some talented people in the mix, and it's always fun to see a show with your friends. But as you do so, do it with the understanding that you're just going to enjoy some good music and (in my case) a few beers and a chance to throw down in the pit. I don't think of you as a media-slave, and if you feel you have that inclination, by all means awaken to the truth of the matter.

2007-07-16 [Pyra]: Mhmm. *Nods*
Okays. ^-^

2008-11-28 [Mortified Penguin]: ...*eats ramen*...

2008-12-20 [Morrigon]: I miss ramen.... but not the skyscraper amount of sodium...

2008-12-24 [Avoral]: Ah, the stuff has in the past kept me going for months.

2009-01-10 [Priest Kel]: The sodium amount that exists in Ramen actually had me with high blood pressure for quite some time

2011-05-10 [Mortified Penguin]: :o

2011-05-30 [Avoral]: wtd
You stalked me to this page.

2011-05-30 [Mortified Penguin]: You stalked ME to this page.

2011-06-07 [Avoral]: QUIT MESSING WITH MY HEAD

2011-06-07 [Mortified Penguin]: Fine then! *angrily throws down scalpel and storms out of the operating room*

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